Lunt News

The New Website!

The new Lunt Solar Website is almost finished!……..It is almost finished… right?………. With DNS transfer scheduled for Wednesday, November 11 I am excited about finally starting on a website dedicated to everything Solar. With live streams in Ha and CaK, news and events, forums, galleries, and editorials provided by the users of solar equipment. We…

First Week of November (Part 1)

The first week of November has flown by. A week ago today we were getting ready for Halloween night, it’ll be Thanksgiving before you know it! Testing, new products, and website were the projects of the week. The image at left is the New LS152T/PT. This is currently the largest dedicated telescope that we manufacture….

Lunt Solar and our new Website

On November 12th Lunt Solar Systems will be taking its new website live. I know that most of you are thinking that it is about time. I couldn’t agree with you more. The new launch will coincide with another very exciting announcement. As a result, Lunt Solar and it’s products will be recieving some significant…

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