This article, published by Mark Johnston on Astronomhub, explains the differences between viewing the Sun with H-alpha and white light setups.

This article, published by Mark Johnston on Astronomhub, explains the differences between viewing the Sun with H-alpha and white light setups.
Step 1: Getting Started This guide will take you through the steps of building a Solar Telescope that fits your viewing expectations (whether they be Visual or Imaging or both) to your budget while answering the most common questions (along the way) about the various choices and the reasons behind those choices and how they…
If you have an interest in getting into Solar Astronomy you probably have a lot of questions, and while searching through the online forums for answers is a good place to start, you will have to navigate the personal opinions and the facts. It is important to have a basic understanding of how various telescopes and…
Now that your new Lunt Solar Telescope has arrived, it’s time to get moving and viewing! However, where to start? This blog will go through all the necessary thing to do to view with your new Lunt Solar Telescope. Unpacking First things first- inspect the shipping box! All new Lunt Solar Telescopes and products are…
Given today’s audio visual technologies, special effects, and image enhancement software, it’s not surprising that people expect to see everything there is to see the moment they put their eye to the eyepiece for the first time. Some walk away having seen nothing. Not taking the time to see a Star in action.Most others are…