User Image Gallery

Photographer: PhotonJohn

Telescope Used: Lunt LS80THa Solar Telescope

Filter Used: N/A

Camera Used: ZWO ASI174mm

Date Taken: 07/30/2021

Caught this image of solar activity on the northeastern limb on 7/30/21. This area of the chromosphere is not associated with a sunspot. It was captured with my Lunt LS80MT hydrogen-alpha double stacked telescope using SharpCap. My camera is a ZWO ASI 174mm with a Meade 3X Telextender attached. One hundred of five hundred avi frames were stacked in Autostakkert AS3, with smoothing in ImPPG and finalized adding color in Photoshop. The image is inverted to bring out detail and is not oriented correctly. East it at the top. Fibrils, spicules, pores, plages, filaments, fila-proms and prominences are visible. The prominence on the eastern limb (top) is estimated to extend seventy five thousand miles into the chromosphere.
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