User Image Gallery

Photographer: PhotonJohn

Image Title: AR 2741/2740 Solar active regions

Telescope Used: Lunt LS60THa Double-Stacked Solar Telescope – Tilt-Tuned

Filter Used: N/A

Camera Used: ZWOASI174MM

Date Taken: 05/11/2019

Imaged in between clouds on 5/11/19 from Viera Fla. Lunt 60mm double stack, 3x Meade telecentric barlow and ZWO ASI 174MM camera. Best 60 of 1000 frames captured using SharpCap and processed in AS3, Registax6 and PS CC. Seeing 2/5 with a lot of wind. Working on my processing and will try to add proms if I can figure it out.
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