

Used by observatories, research institutions and universities

ASA600 Ritchey-Chrétien f7 f2.5 telescope

A perfect fit for the ASA Direct Drive Mounts, with absolute encoders.

Optics without compromise!

Main Data
Focal length4200 mm
Focal ratiof7
Optical diameter600 mm
Field of View70 mm diagonal
Mirror materialFused Silica (quartz), ultra low thermal expansion 0.55e-6/°C
Weight96 kg
Main Mirror600 mm Ritchey Chrétien (RC) design
SoftwareASA Software, Windows package and Linux SDK (optional)
System Performance with ASA Direct Drive Mount DDM85
Pointing accuracy< 12” RMS with pointing model (for altitude 20° to 85°)
Tracking accuracy< 0,35” RMS within 5 minutes (at optimal ambient and sky conditions) over 5 min 0,07” RMS/min
Slewing speed6°/sec (up to 10°/sec optional)

Basic Equipment

  • ASA 600 telescope with ASA optics
  • All tools necessary for telescope installation
  • Laser for optical collimation

10x more precise

with ASA Direct Drive Mount

400% more favorable

ASA Modular System

Optional Equipment

  • ASA Direct Drive Mounts f.e. DDM85
  • ASA filter wheel for 4x 100 x 100 mm filters
  • Customer specific camera adapter
  • Correctors: Field Flattener, Reducers
  • ASA-UPS (uninterruptable power supply)
  • Main mirror cover
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