(Wide field setup) f2.26

Technical Details

  • Optical Layout ASA AZ800WF
  • Field Curvature 80 mm diagonal
  • First light M8 5 sec with ASA AZ800WF f2.2
Main Data
Focal length1808 mm
Focal ratiof2.26
Field of View104 mm linear diameter
Mirror materialFused Silica (quartz), ultra low thermal expansion 0.55e-6/°C
Main Mirror800 mm prime focus design
Weight900 kg
Height2800 mm
SoftwareASA Software, Windows package and Linux SDK (optional)
System Performance with ASA Direct Drive Mount DDM85
Pointing accuracy< 12” RMS with pointing model (for altitude 20° to 85°)
Tracking accuracy< 0,35” RMS within 5 minutes (at optimal ambient and sky conditions) over 5 min 0,07” RMS/min
Slewing speed6°/sec (up to 10°/sec optional)
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