A quote….
“For 22 years, Popular Science has honored the innovations that surprise and amaze us — those that make a positive impact on our world today and challenge our views of what’s possible in the future,” said Mark Jannot, Editor-in-Chief of Popular Science.
“The Best of What’s New Award is the magazine’s top honor, and the the 100 winners — chosen from among thousands of entrants — represent the highest level of achievement in their fields.”
We are obviously very pleased to have received the BOWN 2009 award in the Recreational Catagory for the New LS60 Pressure Tuned Telescope. See page 58 of the December issue, or check on line when it goes live.
Although it has long been known that altitude changes move the center bandpass of an air spaced filter, it wasn’t until June of this year that the reality of a system that incorporates this technology was brought out into the mainstream. A simple system that simply increases and decreases the air pressure inside a sealed cavity.
This change in air pressure results in a change in refractive index which alters the interference of the light as it enters the cavity. Simplicity! This system basically does the same job as heat would do to a solid design, but instantly, without power, at the turn of a wrist.
Look for some exciting new developements from Lunt Solar in the next 6 months. Along with some R&D projects which I will continue to discuss as I can, we are close to completion on the developement of several new products..
Thanks! to Popular Science for recognizing Lunt Solar as a leader in its field.