- March 2 – Jupiter & Venus in Conjunction
- *March 7 – Full Moon
- *March 20 – March Equinox
- *March 21 – New Moon
- *As seen on seasky.org
You must have seen Jupiter & Venus getting ever closer in the last weeks of February. Finally on March 2 they will be in conjunction. It will only appear they overlap each other however as in Space they are still miles apart. Learn a little more here about this celestial event.
March also brings with it the first of the two Equinoxes that happen every year. As stated in timeanddate.com, the March equinox is the vernal (spring) equinox and happens in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator, an imaginary line in the sky above the Earths equator from south to north. This happens about March 19, 20 or 21 every year. Read the 10 facts about the March Equinix here.
Have you seen the SUN lately? We know with the shorter days and the weather being colder this can pose a problem for some Solar Viewing enthusiasts. However you don’t have to worry. Just head over to the Lunt Solar Image Gallery on our website. Or go check out all the cool images and time-lapse videos that are constantly being shared on our social media pages. Every day there is something new to see. But if the weather permits it in your area, go setup your Lunt Solar Telescope or your Lunt Universal Day and Night Telescope in day mode to see the incredible Sun activity for yourself.
We can’t wait until October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024. Our countdown for those two mega events has already begun. NOW WE ARE DOWN TO LESS THAN 9 MONTHS TO THE FIRST EVENT IN 2023! Our Solar Eclipse Products are already for sale. It’s never to early to get ready for these two MUST SEE once in a lifetime events!
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