The summer is now in full swing and July starts us off on the 1st with the Conjunction of Venus and Mars. A conjunction is when two astronomical objects appear close to each other in the sky and are widely associated with planets. Venus and Mars will pass within 3 1/2 degrees of each other on the morning of July 1st (06:48 UTC). Look to the constellation Leo where both planets will be visible to the naked eye.
The July 3rd Full Moon is the first of four Supermoons in 2023. Also known as the Buck Moon, Thunder Moon and Hay Moon it may appear slightly brighter and closer than usual. Check the Moon Calculator for the exact time this month’s Full Moon will arrive in your area.
The New Moon happens on July 17th. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.
Rounding out the month is the Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. At it’s peak, this average meteor shower produces about 20 meteors per hour and is produced by comet debris from Marsden and Kracht. It runs every year from July 12th through August 23rd and will peak this year on July 29th and the morning of July 30th. Get to a dark location just after midnight and be patient as the nearly full moon will block most of the fainter meteors this year. Thanks seasky.org!
The 1st of two awesome Solar eclipses, that will cross the U.S., is now just 3 months away!
That’s right July 14th is the official 3 month mark to the Annular Solar Eclipse of 2023!
This Annular Solar Eclipse will race across many US States from Oregon through Texas! Don’t miss the action!
Need SUN Safe Solar Eclipse viewing gear?? We’ve got you covered. From Solar Eclipse Glasses (Adult and Kids sizes) to SUNoculars learn all about what we have in stock and ready to ship right now! Just click here!