August is going to be a fun month for gazing at the night sky! Looking larger and slightly brighter than usual is the Super Sturgeon Moon. This is also the second of four supermoons in 2023. This one shines in all it’s glory on August 1st. Check the Moon calculator for the exact time of this Super Moon’s arrival in your area.
August 10th Mercury will be at its Greatest Eastern Elongation. This is when Mercury will be at it’s highest point above the horizon and it will be the best time to view this planet. It will be visible low in the western sky just past sunset.
On the night of August 12th and morning of the 13th enjoy the peak of one of the best meteor showers there is to observe, the Perseids Meteor Shower. It is produced by the Swift-Tuttle comet discovered in 1862 and produces up to 60 meteors per hour. Best to view from a dark location after midnight. The crescent moon should not be too much of a problem this year. Skies should still be dark enough for a good show.
The New Moon nights are where it’s at when it comes to viewing the night sky. On August 16th will be the best time to observe galaxies and star clusters as there won’t be any moonlight to interfere with seeing these faint objects.
The Moon Occults Antares on August 24th. The Moon will pass in front of the bright star Antares in the constellation Scorpius. It will be visible in the central US and northern Florida.
With Saturn at Opposition on August 27th it will be fully illuminated by the Sun. It will also be at it’s closets approach to Earth. This is the best time to view and photograph Saturn and its moons. Even if you have cloudy weather on the 14th don’t worry, Saturn will remain bright all month long through October so you’ll have plenty of chances..
Last and certainly not least on the night of August 30th morning of August 31st is the a second full Moon of the month, a Blue Moon will make an appearance. The term Blue Moon is most commonly used when we have two full Moons in a single month.
There is so much happening in the sky in the coming months. Stay tuned!